Портал тувиноведения

Tuva.Asia / Новые исследования Тувы

English version/Английская версия
Сегодня 6 октября 2024 г.

The Analysis of Current Situation of Tuva people in China

The Analysis of Current Situation of Tuva people in ChinaAbstract: During the process of globalization, modernization, tourism, hunting prohibition and sedentarization, Chinese Tuva people are confronting with all kinds of social issues and spiritual and cultural disorders and the rupture of mobile culture. Accordingly, it leads the author to reflections over the survival circumstances and the fate of Chinese Tuva people. Currently, facing the sedentarization, some nomadic peoples and hunters are endeavoring to return to the mountains, forest and steppe and show their strong attachment and ideologism to the mobility. In this essay, the author analyzes the fate, social and cultural issues confronted by Tuva people in China basing on his long time field work in Chinese Tuva living area in 2009 and 2010.

Keywords: Chinese Tuva people; Sedentarization, Social issues, Cultural rupture.

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