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Tuva.Asia / Новые исследования Тувы

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Сегодня 23 октября 2024 г.


Донахо Брайан

Донахо Брайан Доктор философии (PhD), специальность "социальная и культурная антропология" (США).

Научный сотрудник Института социальной антропологии Макса Планка (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Германия).

Член редакционного совета журнала "Новые исследования Тувы".


Работа ответственного редактора:

(Forthcoming)      Reconstructing the House of Culture: Community, Self and the Makings of Culture in Russia and Beyond. Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck, eds. Berghahn Books (to be published in 2010).

2003                    Guest Editor, Cultural Survival Quarterly, Spring 2003 (27:1). Special Issue on South Siberian, Mongolian, and Chinese Reindeer Herding Cultures (with Dan Plumley).

Статьи и главы в монографиях: 

(Forthcoming)      “On the Creation of Indigenous Subjectivities in the Russian Federation.” Submitted for a special issue of Citizenship Studies (scheduled for publication in 2011).

Under review       “Separated at Birth? The Tozhu, Tofa, and Soiot and their divergent trajectories into the ranks of Russia’s ‘Small-Numbered Peoples’.” Submitted for a special issue of Nationalities Papers.

(Forthcoming)      “In the face of adversity: Shagonar’s culture workers bear the torch of culture.” To appear in Reconstructing the House of Culture: Community, Self and the Makings of Culture in Russia and Beyond. Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck, eds. Berghahn Books.

(Forthcoming)      “Constellations of culture work in present-day Siberia” (co-authored with J.O. Habeck). To appear in Reconstructing the House of Culture: Community, Self and the Makings of Culture in Russia and Beyond. Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck, eds. Berghahn Books.

(Forthcoming)      “Research design and methodology of the comparative research project The Social Significance of the House of Culture” (co-authored with K. Istomin, J.O. Habeck, A. Halemba, I. Sántha, and V. Vaté). To appear in Reconstructing the House of Culture: Community, Self and the Makings of Culture in Russia and Beyond. Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck, eds. Berghahn Books.

Under review       “Trust or Domination? Divergent Perceptions of Property in Animals among The Tozhu and the Tofa of South Siberia.” In Günther Schlee and Anatolii Khazanov (eds.) Collective and Multiple Forms of Property in Land and Animals. Under review at Berghahn Books.

(Forthcoming)      “Rodina Akha: Serdtse i dusha Soiotov” (The Akha Homeland: The heart and soul of the Soiots). In Nasledie lamy-gelonga D.Kh. Samaeva: opyt, praktika i perspektivy v sotsial’no-ekonomicheskom razvitii Baikalo-Saiano-Khubsygul’skogo regiona (The Heritage of Lama D.Kh. Samaev: Experience, Practice, and Perspectives in the socio-economic development of the Baikal-Saian-Khovsgol Region).


2009                    Situated Bounded Rationality: Linking institutional analysis to cognitive, processual, and phenomenological approaches in anthropology. Halle / Saale, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper No. 117.

2009                    “The law as a source of environmental injustice in the Russian Federation.” In Julian Agyeman and Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger (eds.) Environmental Justice and Sustainability in the Former Soviet Union. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. 21-46.

2009                    The formation and mobilization of collective identities in situations of conflict and integration (co-authored with J.Eidson, D. Feyissa, V.Fuest, M. Hoehne, B. Nieswand, G. Schlee, and O.Zenker.) Halle / Saale, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper Series No. 116.

2009                    “Comparative Analysis of Property Rights among the Tofa and Tozhu of Southern Siberia” (in Chinese). In Sayana Namsaraeva, Ni Ma and Wang Yudeng (eds.) Makesi Pulangke shehui renleixue yanjiusuo: Xibolia huigu. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe. Pp. 2-22.

2008                    Local Perspectives on Hunting and Poaching (co-authored with Agnieszka Halemba). Research report for WWF-Russia Altai-Saian Ecoregion. Available at www.wwf.ru/data/altay/halemba-donahoesaefinalreport.pdf.

2008                    “Size and place in the construction of indigeneity in the Russian Federation” (co-authored with J.O. Habeck, A. Halemba, and I. Sántha). Current Anthropology 48(6):993-1020.

2008                    “Sakha’s Double-Edged Diamonds.” Review of Crate, Susan. 2006. Cows, Kin, and Globalization: An Ethnography of Sustainability. H-NET BOOK REVIEW (http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showpdf.php?id=22855).

2008                    “Tuvintsy-Todzhintsy: Ocherk sovremennoi kul’tury” (The Tozhu-Tyvans: An outline of their contemporary culture).  In D.A. Funk and N.A. Alekseev (eds.) Tiurkskie Narody Vostochnoi Sibiri (The Turkic Peoples of Eastern Siberia). Moscow: Nauka. Pp. 186-204.

2007                    “Izmenenie praktik regulirovaniia dostupa k prirodnym resursam u olenevodcheskikh narodov Sibiri (Changes in the practice of regulating access to natural resources among reindeer-herding peoples of Siberia) (with Kirill Istomin). In D.A. Funk (ed.) Rasy i narody vyp. 33: sovremennye etnicheskie i rasovye problemy (Races and Peoples #33: Contemporary Ethnic and Racial Problems). Moscow: Nauka, pp. 128-163.

2007                    Review of Van Deusen, Kira. 2004. Singing Story, Healing Drum: Shamans and Storytellers of Siberia. Sibirica 6(1).

2006                    “Olenevodstvo Tuvintsev-Todzhintsev Segodnia” (Reindeer Herding among the Tozhu Today). In Voprosy izucheniia istorii i kul’tury narodov tsentralnoi azii i copredel’nykh regionov (Questions in the Study of the History and Culture of the Peoples of Central Asia and Neighboring Regions). Kyzyl: Natsional’nyi muzei imeni Aldan-Maadyr, pp. 121-132.

2006                    “Who owns the taiga? Inclusive vs. Exclusive Senses of Property among the Tozhu and Tofa of Southern Siberia.” Sibirica 5(1):87-116.

2006                    “Die indigenen Völker Sibiriens: Landrechte, Legalismus und Lebensstil” (The Indigenous Peoples of Siberia: Land, Laws, and Lives) (with Agnieszka Halemba). INFOEMagazine 19:18-22.

2005                    “Southern Siberia.” In The Indigenous World 2005. Copenhagen: IWGIA, 56-63.

2004           Review of Ssorin-Chaikov, Nikolai. 2003. The Social Life of the State in Subarctic Siberia. Sibirica 4(2):237-238.

2004                    A Line in the Sayans: History and Divergent Perceptions of Property Among the Tozhu and Tofa of South Siberia. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University Department of Anthropology.

2004           “Interethnic Clan Relationships in Asia and Africa” (co-authored with Günther Schlee). In Max Planck Institute for           Social Anthropology Annual Report 2002-2003. Halle/Saale, Germany: Max Planck Inst. for Social Anth., 79-88.

2003           “The Troubled Taiga: Survival on the Move for the Last Nomadic Reindeer Herders of South Siberia, Mongolia,                  and China.” Cultural Survival Quarterly, Spring 2003 (27:1):12-18.

2003           “Hunting for a Solution: Tozhu Wild Animal Resources Threatened.” Cultural Survival Quarterly, Spring 2003                         (27:1):48-52.

2002           “Hey, You! Get Offa My Taiga! Comparing the Sense of Property Rights Among the Tofa and Tozhu-Tyva.”                       Halle / Saale, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper Series No. 38.

2001           “Where Have All the Reindeer Gone?” Russian Conservation News, Fall 2001.

2001           “Requiem or Recovery: The 21st-Century Fate of the Reindeer-Herding Peoples of Inner Asia” (co-authored                           with Daniel Plumley). Cultural Survival Quarterly, Spring 2001(25:2): 75-77.

1997           “Tuva Sets Sights on Sustainable Development.” Surviving Together: A Quarterly on Grassroots Cooperation in Eurasia,     Winter 1997:38-40.

1997           “Ubsu-Nur Accepted into World Network of Biosphere Reserves.” Surviving Together, Winter 1997: 40-41.

1997           “Tuvan NGOs Hold Conference on Development.” Surviving Together, Winter 1997: 42.

1997           “For Love of Horses: A Musical Gallop Through the Siberian Landscape.” Bloomington Voice (Bloomington, IN),              27 February, 1997.

1994           “Women, Men, North, South: Putting Population into Perspective.” Cover article in Friends of the Earth      Newsmagazine, Fall 1994: 7-11.

1994           “World Bank, IMF: 50 Years is Enough!” Cover article in Friends of the Earth Newsmagazine, July/August 1994:9-11.


Публикации в журнале «Новые исследования Тувы»:

  1. Изменение практики регулирования доступа к природным ресурсам у некоторых оленеводческих народов Сибири. Попытка теоретического обобщения // НИТ №4, 2010


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